Madhya Pradesh Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) has nabbed 11 Pakistani spies who were reportedly sending information across the border to Pakistan. However, ATS has also made a shocking revelation stating that one of the person arrested is associated with Bhartiya Janta Party’s (BJP) IT cell. The man has been identified as Dhruv Saxena joined BJP IT cell in 2016.
According to media reports, Dhruv shared some of the most confidential information with the ISI in a bid to earn extra money. MP ATS inspector general Sanjeev Shami confirmed five men were nabbed from Gwalior, three from Bhopal, two from Jabalpur and one from Satna. He, however, refused to speak about the political linkage of those taken into custody.
Shami said the SIM boxes, which house SIM cards, and other equipment were being used to run the exchanges that masked the identity of callers from Pakistan and other countries.
Officials said they were allegedly operating parallel telephone exchanges using Chinese equipment and SIM-boxes.
Even though the party has not made any official statements regarding Dhruv as yet, some pictures of joining Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and BJYM district head Anshul Tiwari at an event is being shared by social media users.
All the 11 men have been booked under provisions of the Indian Telegraph Act, besides Section 122 and 123 of Indian Penal Code (IPC), which deal with collecting arms, information and other things for waging war against the country.
Looking to cash the name associated with BJP, senior Congress leader Digvijaya Singh tweeted and raised questions over the arrested ISI agent. He also lashed out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led BJP after the reports of Dhruv Saxena surfaced.
In his tweet Digvijay Singh said, “Of the 11 ISI agents arrested in Bhopal, not even one was Muslim. Modi supporters think over it”.
भोपाल में पकड़े गये आईएसआई के एेजेन्टों में एक भी मुसलमान नहीं उनमें से एक भाजपा का सदस्य। मोदी भक्तों कुछ सोचो।
— digvijaya singh (@digvijaya_28) February 10, 2017
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