Stardom comes with its own share of bouquet and brickbats, but known TV face and actor Maniesh Paul faced more than the latter recently. According to reports in media, Maniesh Paul was followed by a bunch of bikers. Apparently, the actor was travelling from Mumbai to Lonavala when he noticed few bikers following him.
In the beginning, Maniesh thought that were just his fans and waved at them too. But things took an ugly turn when those bikers circled his car and started banging the widows. It was then that Maniesh realized that they were drunk and reportedly wanted him to step out of the car to take selfies. Seeing their brash behavior, Maniesh decided on staying inside the car.
Recalling the incident, Maniesh told a daily:
It was midnight and these 20 bikes with three guys riding on each one chased me. Half of them looked a little drunk. Their bikes were so close to the car, that my driver had a tough time manoeuvring the vehicle. If I speeded up they would also increase the speed, I had to take care that they don’t end up falling and getting hurt. So, I told my driver to go slowly. This is the first time I faced something like this and it was scary.
Well, wan only imagine the horror that Maniesh may have gone through during that time. At that time too, Manish ensured that the bikers don’t get hurt, a gesture that is commendable. We are sure he has given his fans another reason to like him.
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