Looks like a lot of people are still confused, so here’s exactly why you should adopt, not shop

Adopting a rescue dog and giving them a house to live in and a family to love is the one of the simplest yet biggest joys of life!

Raise your hands if you’re obsessed with cute dog photos and videos and would love to bring home a puppy. Also raise your hands, if you have not even once considered adopting, instead of shopping for a pet. In that case, dear ‘dog lover’ we’ve got news for you: your need for a foreign breed is only aiding and abetting in the torture of animals caught in the clutches of breeders. Dogs are not mere accessories. Your dogs (all your pets, for that matter) are your family members and deserve as much love and attention as any other member of your family.

Here are seven major reasons why you should adopt your furry little best friend:

You’ll be saving a life

Millions of animals in shelters are euthanized every year because they don’t get adopted. When you adopt a pet from these animal shelters, you will save a life.


Save money

Buying an expensive dog from a breeder costs you somewhere around 20k-50k, but adopting a puppy will cost a fraction of the amount and the adoption fees is only to pay for the cost of care your adopted dog has received while at the shelter.


You’re joining the fight against inhumane puppy mills

Millions of dogs are kept under horrible conditions in puppy mills. They are crammed into cages, forced to reproduce and aren’t fed properly. When you adopt a dog, you are reducing demands and hampering the breeders’ income, thus joining the fight against cruelty against animals.

You’re putting out a positive word

People are usually skeptical about adoption as rescued dogs are often traumatised and many of you ‘dog lovers’ don’t want to deal with that. Right? #SuchLoveMuchWow


You’re helping the shelter open up a space for other homeless animals

Animal shelters have limited space to provide shelter for thousands of homeless animals. So when you adopt a dog from them, you not only help provide a home for that dog, but also help in opening up space for another homeless dog!


Majority of the dogs that are up for adoption are Indian strays that can happily survive in our climate

Let’s face it- breeds like Huskies and Saint Bernards can’t thrive in our climate. Why not get a dog that can happily survive in our hot and humid country?