In a shameful incident, a UKG student was allegedly thrashed by school authorities for failing to pay fees in Lohara area of Ludhiana on February 7. The boy’s father Kulwant Singh said, “the school authorities thrashed him so badly that he was crying till late in the evening.”
After getting a medico-legal report (MLR) from the civil hospital, the boy’s parents urged the security officials to register an FIR against the school authorities.
Kulwant Singh said, he was not able to pay school fees of his 8-year old child due to his illness. “However, the school authorities instead of talking to him regarding the same beat up my son and made him stand for the entire day ,” he added.
He came to know about the incident when he went to pick his child from school. He further alleged that the boy was not even allowed to eat his lunch. “There were marks on my son’s body , including face,” Kulwant asserted.
Police at Daba police station said that they had received a complaint and the matter was under investigation.
Meanwhile, the school principal has refuted the allegations. He said the boy was having fever and the school called up the parents to take their child back home.
“We have security cameras installed on school premises and one is free to check the CCTV footage. The student was not at all harmed in the school,” principal added.
He added that fees was a no issue as they had also not got fees for last year.
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