Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday offered prayer at Kedarnath temple. After paying obeisance to the sacred diety, the prime minister greeted the crowd. Later, Modi visited Haridwar, where he inaugurated Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali Research Institute at Patanjali Yogpeeth.
Underscoring the importance of yoga and cleanliness, the prime minister said, ” I am happy that the young generation is fighting for cleanliness and sanitation. A new health policy has come out, which covers various aspects of good health and wellness.”
Earlier, Prime Minsiter was greeted at the airport by Uttarakhand governor KK Paul and chief minister Trivendra Singh Rawat. Kedarnath is among the most important of the Himalayan shrines on the ‘Chardham’ pilgrimage circuit.
Modi reached Dehradun at 8 am, an hour later he left for Kedarnath where he addressed a group of supporters gathered outside the shrine. “Tomorrow I will be visiting Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand.
I will begin my Uttarakhand visit by praying at the Kedarnath Temple,” the Prime Minister had tweeted a day ahead of his visit. “I will be inaugurating the Patanjali Research Institute at Patanjali Yogpeeth, Haridwar tomorrow, 12 noon onwards. @yogrishiramdev,” he had said.
Yesterday, CM Rawat himself visited Kedarnath to personally check the arrangements ahead of Prime Minister’s visit. The portals of the temple were thrown open after a six-month-long winter break.
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