Actress Priyanka Chopra was hospitalised after suffering a minor accident on sets of her drama series Quantico in New York, a representative from the production house ABC told Entertainment Tonight. The on-screen Alex Parrish has been released from the hospital and is said to be resting in her home comfortably. The actress slipped and fell on her head when she was filming an action sequence on Thursday. Priyanka suffered a concussion after which she was immediately rushed to the hospital.
At the hospital, PeeCee was examined in the emergency section. After the examination, she was released from the hospital a few hours later. Her representative said the actress would return to shooting after the weekend. She was absent from the press meet of Quantico on Friday, for obvious reasons.
Earlier this week, Priyanka attended the Golden Globes Awards. She wore a golden gown to the grand event that made her a head-turner. However, there were few from the fashion police who didn’t like her choice of apparel.
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A few weeks ago, the Desi Girl was back in India for two weeks for the holidays. Priyanka attended the Stardust awards and told she would be finalising a few projects during this while. There is still no clarity over what projects Priyanka has signed.
Also read: How Priyanka Chopra is slaying Hollywood with utmost perfection
On the work front. Priyanka is awaiting release of her Hollywood debut Baywatch. In this movie inspired from famous TV series, she essays the role of antagonist Victoria Leeds. The movie stars Dwayne Johnson and Zac Effron in important roles as well and will release on 26 May 2017.
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