Four days ago, the 18-year-old Unnao gangrape survivor attempted suicide outside Uttar Pradesh chief minister’s residence to demand action against the accused Kuldeep Singh Sengar, a BJP MLA. A day later, her father was mysteriously declared dead after he was allegedly assaulted by MLA and his aides. The survivor and the members of her family have been repeatedly saying that they fear for their lives. Even though Chief minister Yogi Adityanath met the victims and promised action, police have failed to arrest Sengar.
The developments in the Unnao gangrape case raises serious questions about the government’s intention to actually initiate proceedings against the accused.
ALSO READ: Why The Unnao Rape Case Is A Slap On The Face Of Democracy
Unsatisfactory probe by the police:
Despite repeated accusations against the MLA, police filed an FIR against him only after four days. A few of his aides were arrested but Sengar wasn’t even summoned by the police. What is more surprising is the fact that the state’s top cop, DGP OP Singh, addressed him as an ‘honourable’ MLA. “He is yet to be proven guilty, so it’s fair to address an MLA as honourable,” was his justification. The case has now been handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
I am speaking from psychological point of view, no one can rape a mother of 3 children. It is not possible, this is a conspiracy against him(Kuldeep Sengar).Yes maybe her father was thrashed by some people but I refuse to believe rape charge: BJP Bairia MLA Surendra Singh #Unnao
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) April 11, 2018
No response from senior BJP leadership
The Unnao gangrape case has been one of the most talked about topics across all forms of media this week. However, neither national president Amit Shah nor state chief Mahendra Nath Pandey has chosen to comment on the issue. A look at the Twitter profiles of many tells us that they have been more concerned about FastWithPMModi. Shah, on the other hand, is busy with his Karnataka campaigning, thanks to the assembly elections that are around the corner.
The only saving grace was UP Deepti Bhardwaj, UP BJP spokesperson who admitted that it has been a failure on the part of the Yogi government.
Bizarre defence by a party MLA
Surendra Singh, MLA from Bairia said defended the accused by giving an extremely ludicrous justification.
“I am speaking from psychological point of view, no one can rape a mother of 3 children. It is not possible, this is a conspiracy against him(Kuldeep Sengar). Yes, maybe her father was thrashed by some people but I refuse to believe rape charge,” he told ANI.
ALSO READ: UP MLA Rape Case: Survivor Attempts Suicide, Her Father Dies In Judicial Custody
His wife’s high-on-drama antics
The accused MLA’s wife Sangeeta Sengar has been all over the media in her bid to demand ‘justice’ for her husband. She has been saying that her husband has been falsely accused of rape which is causing her family mental trauma. She even threatened that if her husband is proven guilty, she and her family will commit suicide. In one of her TV interviews, she supposedly fell unconscious during a live debate.
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