Like Shah Rukh Khan’s son AbRam, even Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s daughter Ziva, who turns 2 today, has a decent following on social media. She is cute, adorable & wonderful. The former limited overs captain MS Dhoni’s daughter Ziva celebrates her birthday today. Meanwhile, reel life Dhoni, Sushant Singh Rajput did not forget the occassion, taking to Twitter to wish Ziva, a happy birthday!
Sushant Singh Rajput, who played Dhoni in the cricketers superhit biopic last year, also has a few good projects in the pipeline.
Actor Sushant Singh Rajput has wished ace cricketer MS Dhoni’s daughter, Ziva on her birthday.
A very happy birthday to this little angel. #ziva
— Sushant Singh Rajput (@itsSSR) February 6, 2017
In the tweet is a birthday message, followed by a black and white picture in which Ziva is seen in daddy MSD’s lap and a humble, loving Sushant is pampering the baby in a very adorable manner.
Daddy Dhoni also took to Instagram posting two exclusive pictures of Ziva. In the first picture, Ziva is wearing a long gown speaking on over the phone. In the second picture, the Ranchi Rambo (MSD popularly known) is holding Ziva in his arms, the ideal dad-daughter picture!
One has to mention, Ziva is looking like a diva, for sure, any producers reading it?
Mahendra Singh Dhoni married Sakshi Singh Rawat in 2010 and Ziva was born five years later.
The most successfull Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni recently gave up his limited overs captaincy as well, the call taken by MSD shocked all cricketing fand because of its timing. Most experts were of the opinion that Dhoni, the captain, will throw in the towel post Champions Trophy which will be held in England, in June.
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