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He is the Night King on Game Of Thrones
Yes, he is the one rude and emotionless man who passed an ice spear through an innocent fire spitting dragon who was out to help his mother win a war. Known as the Night King, he made Daenerys lost one of her sons and made us all shed a silent tear. He is taking the winter with him towards the wall and is the one whom we have started known as the ‘real enemy’.
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This is Vladimir Furdik who plays the Night King on Game Of Thrones
He is a Slovenian stunt actor who has earlier worked in many of the action sequences of the show. Vladimir is wearing the skin of the Night King since season 6. Prior to him, Richard Brake was essaying the role.
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Vladimir Furdik is the face of the Night King on Game Of Thrones
Always seen in the prosthetics, Vladimir is leading the army of the dead in the show. Prior to it, he has worked in movies like The Huntsman: Winter's War (2016), Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014), and Thor: The Dark World (2013) amongst many as stunt artist.
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Vladimir Furdik played a stunt double in Game Of Thrones Season 6
Vladimir has been working with the show since a long time and also acted as the stunt double of Ser Arthur Dayne, the best swordsman of the age for the Tower of Joy fight in the concluding episode of Game Of Thrones season 6.
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In Pics: He is the actor who plays the Night King in Game Of Thrones
The last episode of the Game Of Thrones turned out to be a heartbreaking one who loved Dany’s (we wonder if the Khaleesi will allow us to call her that, but we are taking the liberty anyways) dragons. The shrewd and cunning Night King turned Viserion into a wight and our hearts reached out to the lady who lost her child in this combat. If after the episode you too are wondering who is the actual face of this man whom we are totally hating right now, we have got you sorted.