Indian cricketer and Mumbai Indians star player Ambati Rayudu has landed himself in a controversy after he was caught slapping a senior citizen on camera on August 31. The incident took place in Hyderabad on Thursday morning where Rayudu’s car hit an old man on the road. After being hit, the man confronted the Indian cricketer and then, both of them got indulged in an ugly spat.
As per a News X report, Ambati Rayudu was driving his luxurious car at a high speed which hit a senior citizen this morning. After being confronted by the old man, Rayudu lost his cool and had a scuffle with the man complaining. The people present at the spot tried to separate them but Rayudu moved forward and slapped the man. This entire fight was caught on camera and was shared on the social media.
It has been learned from the reports that the local police has not yet registered any complaint against the Indian cricketer.
#BREAKING — Indian cricketer manhandles, assaults senior citizen in Hyderabad
— NewsX (@NewsX) August 31, 2017
#WATCH: Cricketer Ambati Rayudu seen in scuffle with a man allegedly after argument over rash driving in Hyderabad (Unverified video source)
— ANI (@ANI) August 31, 2017
This was not the first time that Rayudu got involved in a controversy. Earlier, he had a verbal spat on the cricket field with the veteran Indian off-spinner Harbhajan Singh during an IPL match in 2016. During a Mumbai Indians vs Rising Pune Supergiant match, Rayudu fumbled while fielding and missed the ball which went for a boundary. Rayudu’s misfield frustrated Bhajji and he shouted at the fielder. Rayudu couldn’t take the scolding from Harbhajan and hit back. The entire drama between the team mates was captured on camera.
Amabati Rayudu hails from Andhra Pradesh and is a right-hand batsman. He has represented India in 34 ODIs where he has scored more than 1000 runs. He appeared in 6 T20Is for India and scored 42 runs. He plays for the Mumbai Indians in Indian Premier League (IPL).
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