Padmaavat might have faced tonnes of backlash from Rajput Karni Sena but the criticism hasn’t dimmed the popularity of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s movie. Honeybee cheerleaders danced to the beats of ‘Ghoomar’ from Padmaavat on the basketball court and stole the show during an NBA clash between Charlotte Hornets and Miami Heat. The match took place on January 28 but NBA posted the video of the performance on January 30 and since then, it has gone viral.
Here’s the video –
Ranveer Singh, who plays the role of Khilji in the movie, liked the video tweet posted by NBA. Here’s how Raveena Tandon and others reacted to it –
#EpicFailBan (dint they know) Eat your out! Padmavat ghoomar at NBA game by Cheerleaders.Yesterday at Charlotte Hornet Miami Heat game.
— Raveena Tandon (@TandonRaveena) January 28, 2018
Maybe ‘those’ people should go to US and stage protests there #Padmaavat
Cheerleaders dance to ‘Ghoomar’ from Padmaavat at NBA match
-via @inshorts— Sagar Mahajan (@snmahajan30) January 31, 2018
What an irony….Protest against Padmavat in India…and outsiders are using it…supporting it….
Cheerleaders dance to ‘Ghoomar’ from Padmaavat at NBA match
-via @inshorts— Mayank K Jha (@MayankKJha) January 31, 2018
Anti-National NBA playing Ghoomar song..
CC : Karni Sena— Irony Of India (@IronyOfIndia_) January 31, 2018
अब उखाड़ लो।#चलोUSA
Trump हाए हाए
Donald मुर्दाबाद @ShreeKarniSena @SureshChavhanke @Pun_Starr @akashbanerjee
Cheerleaders dance to ‘Ghoomar’ from Padmaavat at NBA match
-via @inshorts— Sharahbil (@Sharahbil3) January 31, 2018
Controversial Padmaavat & Ghoomar though banned in some Indian states,is becoming a raging hit in the US.
Poor Karni Sena has no Funds to buy air tickets to go to the US to get it banned,after it was performed to a cheering audience at an NBA game.— Dinesh Verma (@tweeterdinesh) January 31, 2018
Ghar ki Murgi Daal Baraabar??
Modi gets Ghoomar banned in his party ruled states of India. But his Bully friend Trump has it featured in an NBA match. Tch..tch!
Watch this Padmavat song performed by the Cheerleaders before the start of an NBA game in USA.— Dinesh Verma (@tweeterdinesh) January 31, 2018
Cheerleaders at an NBA game in Miami danced to #Ghoomar. Really hope the Karni Sena goes there and attacks school buses.
— Vijayeta (@SacredInsanity) January 26, 2018
Unable to stop the NBA cheerleaders from performing #Ghoomar , #KarniSena has decided to attack @rajasthanroyals cheerleaders and vandalise stadium in upcoming @IPL.
— Axomiya (@KunaljitGoswami) January 31, 2018
BREAKING: Karni Sena to travel to USA to protest against NBA for permitting a Ghoomar dance by cheerleaders at a game between Charlotte Hornet and Miami Heats. Is any ‘one’ from BJP accompanying?
— Sanjeev Hariharan (@sanjeevh) January 30, 2018
While we get banned to perform on #Ghoomar.. the Americans are busy enjoying it at the #NBA games… #Padmaavat. Democracy anyone?
— Keerat Grewal (@keeratgrewal) January 28, 2018
The #Padmaavat ghoomar song at an NBA game. Rajasthan govt bans students from playing the song while cheerleaders halfway across the world adopt it
— Arun Panicker (@panix68) January 27, 2018
People took a dig at Karni Sena too, who have caused havoc in several states upon the film’s release despite the Supreme Court paving way for the movie to release.
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