Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli, who is responsible for taking Team India to the No 1 spot in the ICC ODI rankings after defeating Australia and Sri Lanka, recently participated in a chat show which was hosted by Bollywood’s Mr Perfectionist, Aamir Khan. During the candid tête-à-tête with Aamir Khan, the Indian captain opened about his life and also spilt beans on a few habits of his ‘dear’ Anushka Sharma. Lovebirds Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma are one of the most followed and media-friendly couples. Though the cricketer and the actor have not made things official, the word is around that they have been seeing each other for some time now. According to journalist Sameer Allana, Kohli opened up about his relationship with Anushka Sharma on the show which was shot in Mumbai.
During a question-answer round, Aamir Khan promptly asked Kohli about what he liked and disliked about Anushka. To this Virat Kohli said,
The thing that I love about Anushka is the fact that she is extremely honest and caring.
Virat also went on to reveal the thing about his alleged ‘lady-love’ that annoyed him. He said that Anushka was always late whenever they planned to meet. Virat further said that she was usually 10-15 minutes late every time.
Virat Kohli also admitted that it was Anushka Sharma who ought to be credited for making him a nicer person. Virat also went on to reveal that his favourite Aamir Khan movies were Joh Jeeta Wohi Sikander, 3 Idiots, and PK.
Apart from relationship and movies, the duo also discussed their favourite cricket innings as well. The chat show will be aired on Diwali but any other details about the show are as of yet unknown.
At the completion of the show, Khan took off to Istanbul. In his tweet, the actor wrote, “On the plane to Istanbul! Really looking forward to my trip to Turkey :-). Love.”
On the plane to Istanbul! Really looking forward to my trip to Turkey :-). Love.
a— Aamir Khan (@aamir_khan) October 4, 2017
Meanwhile, the Virat Kohli-led team India is in the middle of a series against Australia at home. India has won the One Day International series 4-1 and is getting all ready to repeat the same in the shortest version of the sport. The first T20I is slated to be played on October 7.
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