Ashish Nehra, after bidding adieu to the international cricket on November 1, has finally opened up about the incident when he abused Mahendra Singh Dhoni back in the year 2005. The video of that episode had already garnered millions of views on the social media, however, the reason behind Nehra Ji speaking those curse words has been revealed. The veteran Indian pacer has raised the curtains in an interview after his retirement from the international cricket.
While speaking to TV presenter and sports anchor Jatin Sapru, Nehra Ji disclosed what made him abuse the then young wicket-keeper MS Dhoni who had just debuted in ODIs. He said,
“That was in the heat of the moment. I know you are speaking about Mahendra Singh Dhoni video. That video became more popular when Mahendra Singh Dhoni reached where he is now.”
Here’s the video:
The interview in which Nehra spoke it out is going to be telecasted soon on Star Sports. The former Indian pacer also spoke about Virat Kohli’s aggressiveness and stated that Virender Sehwag was the most realistic captain he had played under. Currently, the promo of that chit-chat has been launched on Youtube
What actually happened in 2005?
During an India vs Pakistan ODI game, Nehra was bowling to Shahid Afridi while MS Dhoni, who was new in the Indian Team, was behind the stumps. A delivery by Nehra took a thick edge of Afridi’s bat and went directly to the wicket-keeper. Unfortunately, Dhoni missed the catch and the ball went directly out of the fence for four. Nehra turned furious and abused Dhoni in Hindi. Whatever, Nehra Ji said was captured by the stump mics and the viewers of the match on TV heard it clearly.
Here’s the video of that incident:
After the first India vs New Zealand T20I played on November in Delhi, Ashish Nehra said goodbye to international cricket. He served team India for 18 long years and had played under 8 different captains including Mohammad Azharuddin, MS Dhoni, Virat Kohli, Sourav Ganguly and Rahul Dravid.
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