Amitabh Bachchan, the Bollywood superstar and an avid follower of cricket. Hodge recently accused Virat Kohli for choosing Indian Premier League (IPL) 2017 opener over Dharamsala Test. The statement went viral as soon as it came out. Big B was not going to let that one go off easily, as he bashes Hodge for making such a rash statement and also assures him that Indian can beat Australia even without Kohli.
Kohli had a shoulder injury on Day 1 of the Ranchi Test which ended in a draw. It seems like Bachchan’s words came true as India literally walloped the Australian side and won the Border-Gavaskar Trophy virtual final at Dharamsala by 8 wickets on Day 4 of the fourth Test.
T 2477 – Brad Hodge says ‘Virat skipped 4th to play IPL’ .. RUBBISH ! he did it to tell you that his team can wallop you even without him !
— Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) March 27, 2017
Bachchan has been doing this for a while, he recently bashed the Australian media for comparing him to US President Donald Trump. They called him ‘Trump of World Sport’. Bachchan took a dig at the Australian media who constantly criticised Kohli for his captaincy and passion on the field even when Steven Smith and others made horrible mistakes on the field.
Former Australian player and Gujrat Lions mentor, Brad Hodge told Australian media that, “You’d hope as a sportsman that he’s seriously injured. Because if you miss one game of Test match cricket and you’re fronting up the next week for RCB [Royal Challengers Bangalore] versus whoever … you’d be pretty dirty if he didn’t front up to a Test match and try and win a valuable series against Australia.”
Not just Big B but Gautam Gambhir too bashed Hodge for his comments and interpreted that he just wanted to make it to the headlines adding fire to the fuel.
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