Dinesh Karthik celebrated his 32nd birthday on June 1 but it seems like that Team India had a little fun of their own in the dressing room getting a little playful with the birthday boy. The footage is a laugh riot as initially MS Dhoni can be seen tasting the cake even before Karthik doing the honours of cutting it. The birthday cake had Karthik’s initials ‘DK’ written over it. It was Rohit Sharma and Ravindra Jadeja who tried to play a prank on Karthik and smash his head on the cake but he did not let them.
Karthik caught hold of Rohit and tried to do a similar thing to him as well. Amidst this all the team players including skipper Virat Kohli, Dhoni, Kedar Jadhav, Shikhar Dhawan were there not in a mood to miss even a fraction bit of fun. Even head coach Anil Kumble was there despite the recent reports of the tussle with Kohli.
Eventually, the teammates decided to surround a shirtless Karthik who had anticipated that it might get ruined anyway. Karthik was still not giving up as teammates tried to bang his head on the cake. On seeing this the Gabbar of the team stepped in. Dhawan took the cake in his hand and smashed it on Karthik’s face.
Karthik was in the mood to avenge his defeat as he started to return the banter. None was spared as he threw pieces of cake on Rohit, Dhawan, Jadhav and others.
Karthik replaced an injured Manish Pandey in the Indian squad for ICC Champions Trophy 2017. His selection was questioned by many as he was called up and not Gautam Gambhir, Robin Uthappa and Suresh Raina who had done exceedingly well in Indian Premier League (IPL) 2017.
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