Days after the Indian cricket team lost the ICC Champions Trophy final to Pakistan on June 18, Union Minister Ramdas Athawale has accused Indian skipper Virat Kohli and other players including Yuvraj Singh and others in of “fixing” the final match. he has also demanded an enquiry into’s Team India’s defeat.
While speaking to the media personnel on June 30 after the attending meetings with district officials in Vadodara, Gujarat, Athawale said, “With a coach like Anil Kumble, players like Kohli, Yuvraj and several others who batted so well in the entire tournament, how could we lose to a team like Pakistan? It is a shameful thing for our country”
“They hit so many centuries in this tournament. What happened to them during the final match?” the Republican Party of India leader questioned.
Pakistan won the tournament with an 180-run victory over India in the June 18 final. The margin of victory was the largest by any team in the final of an ICC One-Day International (ODI) tournament.
“It seems that this match was fixed. I demand an inquiry into it,” Athawale said. The Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment also demanded a reservation of 25 per cent for the Dalit community in cricket and other games.
“Those who can’t perform, should now relax and deserving cricketers from the Dalit community should be given a chance to come ahead. I demand 25 per cent reservation for them in cricket and other games,” Athawale said.
This is not the first time that Athawale has some issues with the Indian cricket back. According to several media reports, earlier, he also demanded that there should reservation system in the Indian Cricket Team as well when it comes to selecting players for any series.
As stated by the Union Minister, he suggests that allowing reservation for SC and ST could encourage the players to do even better when they get a chance to play at the national and international level. He said,”There is no harm in giving a 25% reservation to these two categories.”
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