Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan faced the heat on social media sites Facebook and Twitter after he shared his picture celebrating the festival Raksha Bandhan on August 7. Irfan, who is currently out of the Indian Team squad due to poor form, shared the picture of Rakhi tied to his wrist and within no time he received an outpour of criticism with people calling his act as un-Islamic and even abused him for celebrating a ‘Hindu festival.’
Irfan Pathan posted his picture and captioned it as: “Happy rakshabandhan everyone #rakhi.” Irfan Pathan this post did not go down well with some of his fans and they started trolling him.
Here are some of the reactions:
This is not for the first time that Irfan Pathan is being targeted on social media. Earlier this month, the “guardians of morality” targeted Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan’s wife Safa Baig for not covering her face and hands well enough in a photo that he had shared on Facebook. A few conservative social media users shamed her for wearing nail polish and termed it as “un-Islamic”.
Besides Irfan, on the auspicious day of Raksha Bandhan, other cricketers like Virender Sehwag, Virat Kohli and Suresh Raina too took to social media to share their special messages for their sisters.
Virender Sehwag posted few pictures and captioned one as: “Sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. Happy #RakshaBandhan to all. My sister’s Anju ji & Manju ji & me half Ganju ji :).”
Sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. Happy #RakshaBandhan to all.My sister’s Anju ji & Manju ji & me half Ganju ji 🙂
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) August 7, 2017
Virat Kohli, who is currently in Sri Lanka, also posted a picture with the caption: “A very Happy Rakshabandhan to everyone across the world celebrating, missing Didi and everyone at home today. #Rakhi #Rakshabandhan #Family.”
A very Happy Rakshabandhan to everyone across the world celebrating, missing Didi and everyone at home today._#Rakhi #Rakshabandhan #Family
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) August 7, 2017
Suresh Raina, who is struggling to find a place in Indian squad, also shared a picture with his sister. Raina wrote: “ Love of a sister, support of a friend or partners in crime, you have always been there! Love you my sister #sisterlove #HappyRakshaBandhan.”
Love of a sister, support of a friend or partners in crime, you have always been there! Love you my sister _ #sisterlove #HappyRakshaBandhan
— Suresh Raina (@ImRaina) August 7, 2017
Earlier, Olympics bronze medallist wrestler Sakshi Malik shared a picture of herself with her brother. She captioned the image as: “Got time to celebrate #RakshaBandhan with family before world championship.”
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