Gautam Gambhir is known for taking a stand against terrorist activities and violence in the nation. After the CBI court found self-proclaimed Godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim guilty, his followers went on a rampage setting ablaze public property and creating panic in parts of Punjab and Haryana. Many celebs took to Twitter to express their anguish over the violence. Cricketer Gautam Gambhir also did not hold back his anger after the horrors that people of Panchkula faced due to the hooliganism of Gurmeet’s followers’ . Gambhir tweeted on August 26, “Wonder what Rahim & Ram are thinking about man about the ‘Insaan’ & his misdeed today! A classic case of religion marketing”.
Gambhir’s tweet was hard-hitting and was aimed at spreading a message. The Kolkata Knight Riders’ captain is always quick to react on any issue that concerns the nation, be it Jawaans being hit in Kashmir valley, the Gurmehar Kaur case or starting a campaign to respect our soldiers. The Panchkula violence that caused the death of 32 people was bound to get this attention.
Gambhir is not looking to bog down from opposing the self-proclaimed God’s brainless followers who used violence to get heard. His tweet is a slap on every follower of his justifying his actions and calling him a ‘Man of God’ instead of calling him a criminal.
Here’s Gambhir’s original tweet which is spreading like a wildfire on Twitter-
Wonder what Ram & Rahim are thinking about the ‘Insaan’ & his misdeeds today! A classic case of religion marketing! #PanchkulaViolence
— Gautam Gambhir (@GautamGambhir) August 26, 2017
His tweet got a massive positive response from his followers on Twitter for speaking against the violence in Punjab and Haryana. Here are a few tweets supporting him.
And truly such religious marketing- “Ram” and “Rahim”. And deeds of Ravan
— Gautian Aranyaka Dal (@GautiAranyaka) August 26, 2017
Someone got the guts to stand up as an INDIAN.
Keep it up.#panchkulaviolence #ramrahimjailed— sumeet dhillon (@sumeetd02) August 26, 2017
@sakshijoshi85 वाह भाई ! क्या छक्का मारा है आपने । शत् प्रतिशत सही बात जिसको हम सभी को सोचना चाहिए । total अंधविश्वास
— Shashi K Jalan (@jalan_shashi) August 26, 2017
I have been following you since long … U r the only celebrity who talks freely on every social issue … Salute
— Lalit Kumar (@Lalitkm10) August 26, 2017
Gautam well said . It is highly appreciable that stars like you openly express view on such matters in today’s situation
— Sundaraganesan (@Sundaraganesa15) August 26, 2017
You couldn’t have said it better than this
— madhu k menon (@madhukmenon) August 26, 2017
Gambhir is one of the most fearless cricketers in India who have ensured that they speak against a National issue every time. It seems like more tweets are coming in from his side if this issue takes an even worse turn when Gurmeet Singh’s sentence will be announced on August 28.
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