As the Gurmehar-ABVP row snowballs, Jawaharlal Nehru University student Umar Khalid has openly supported Gurmehar and students of the DU in condemning former Indian opener Virender Sehwag’s tweet. Virender Sehwag, as is his nature dived into the controversy from nowhere. The ‘nawab of Najafgarh’ has earlier tweeted a image where he had a placard in his hand that read, ” “I didn’t score two triple centuries, my bat did.” This comment by Sehwag created a stir immediately and also drew a lot of flak.
The post by Virender Sehwag was pointed at Gurmehar Kaur, who in a video posted on YouTube held a placard that read, “Pakistan did not kill my father, War did.”
Countering Virender Sehwag’s tweet, JNU student Umar Khalid posted a counter on his Facebook account which read, “Virender Sehwag played for BCCI, he does not represent India. The thousands of students and teachers who came out in Delhi University today, they represent India – a vision of a new India based on equality, justice and freedom”.
Bat me hai Dum !#BharatJaisiJagahNahi
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) February 26, 2017
Earlier, Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda backed Sehwag’s tweet by saying, “Your tweet is even greater than a triple century.”
Is that laughable? Well, Umar Khalid surely thinks otherwise!
She has a right to express her views and anyone who threatens her with violence or rape is the lowest form of life.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) March 1, 2017
— Randeep Hooda (@RandeepHooda) February 26, 2017
In fact, Naseeruddin Shah backed Gurmehar and slammed Sehwag and partner-in crime Randeep Hooda touting their comment as ‘insensitive’.
My tweet was an attempt to be facetious rather than one to bully anyone over their opinion. Agreement or disagreement wasn’t even a factor.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) March 1, 2017
Everyone has a right to express their views without being bullied or threatened. Gurmehar Kaur or the Phogat sisters.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) March 1, 2017
After this post by Virender Sehwag created a stir, he backtracked on what he said and told that his comments were not aimed at Gurmehar.
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