Javed Akhtar has been in the news for past two days for standing up for Kargil’s martyr daughter Gurmehar Kaur through his tweets. Akhtar took on wrestlers Babita Phogat, Geeta Phogat and Yogeshwar Dutt who tried to contradict Gurmehar’s thoughts. He did not even spare Indian opener Gautam Gambhir and former player Virender Sehwag and had a few harsh words for them.
His ‘hardly literate’ remark agitated many and started a Twitter war between their followers and themselves. After using few harsh words initially, Akhtar cleared the air retracting his ‘harsh’ words against Gambhir and Sehwag. He mentioned them in two tweets separately appreciating their stand. Both the players condemned any threats made to Gurmehar Kaur following the case.
My respect for Gautam Gambhir who with out any fear of trolls n right wing extremists has stood for Gurmehar ‘s freedom of expression.Bravo
— Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) March 2, 2017
Sehwag at first trolled Gurmehar with a board in his hand which read, “I didn’t score two triple centuries, my bat did”. After much criticism, he tweeted once again. Through his two tweets, Sehwag said, “My tweet was an attempt to be facetious rather than one to bully anyone over their opinion. Agreement or disagreement wasn’t even a factor. She has a right to express her views and anyone who threatens with violence or rape is the lowest form of life.”
Since Sehwag undoubtedly a great player has clarified he was just being facetious n is not anti Gurmehar I take back my rather harsh words.
— Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) March 2, 2017
He even took a stand for Phogat sisters who were targeted by many for expressing their views on Gurmehar Kaur’s opinion. He tweeted, “Everyone has a right to express their views without being bullied or threatened. Gurmehar Kaur or the Phogat sisters.”
Gautam Gambhir took a stand for Gurmehar Kaur as he tweeted, “The freedom of expression is absolute and equal for all. High time we learnt that and practised it daily in every sphere of life.”
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