Amid the ongoing Anil Kumble-Virat Kohli tussle, Team India is all set to play their first ODI against West Indies on June 23. The team had already landed on the Carribean Soil but this time, there is no head coach with them. Days after Anil Kumble resigned from his post, it has been learned that the Indian team were unaware of the fact that Kumble won’t be joining the team for the tour to West Indies. The team left London on June 19 and after landing in St Lucia, the players got to know about the resignation of their coach after they switched on their mobile phones.
According to a report published in The Indian Express, the entire team was in utter shock after getting this information. The leading Indian daily quoted one of their sources saying,”It came as a shock. The boys were dazed. There had been talk of him staying back in London to attend the ICC Cricket Committee meeting. We all thought he would join the team before the second ODI on June 25 at Port of Spain.”
Secondly, the day when Kumble stepped down from his post, he made his resignation letter public in which he had directly pointed towards the skipper saying the ‘captain had reservations with his style’. However, as the report said, Kohli did the opposite.
the report quoted the source as saying.
After all these blame games and the drama withing the Indian cricket team, finally skipper Virat Kohli broke his silence on the entire matter and opened up in a presser ahead of their first game against West Indies. He said:
Anil Kumble’s absence turned out to be a matter of shock for the West Indies cricket board as well. The board officials said,”As far as we are concerned, Kumble was listed as India coach and we thought he would be showing up in Port of Spain at some point during this week”.
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