Shikhar Dhawan, India’s opening batsman, will not feature in the first 3 One Day Internationals against Australia. According to a report by Cric Tracker, Dhawan apparently has been released by the BCCI to attend his wife Ayesha, who has not been keeping well. Shikhar is known to be a family man who loves to spend time with his wife and son Zoravar. Shikhar Dhawan has been in the ominous form of late after he bagged the Man of the Series award in the recently concluded Tests versus Sri Lanka. He had to leave the ODI series against the island nation midway to attend his ailing mother. Now that his mother has recovered, it seems that his beloved wife has now fallen ill.
The latest development might tip the scales for Virat Kohli-led team India. Although the team has KL Rahul and Ajinkya Rahane who could open the batting, Dhawan’s omission from the team will surely dent the confidence of Tigers, who have maintained a consistent form. Considering that Dhawan has a phenomenal record playing against Australia – an average in excess of 40 with 2 match winning centuries to his credit – the visitors would be breathing a sigh of relief not to see Dhawan feature in the first 3 ODIs.
One of my favorite pics ever. Loved seeing Zora smiling and enjoying d moment. Very precious. ______
— Shikhar Dhawan (@SDhawan25) September 13, 2017
The BCCI statement read: “Team India opener Shikhar Dhawan has requested to be released from the team for the first three ODIs of the Paytm Australia tour of India, 2017 to attend to his wife, who is unwell. The All-India Senior Selection Committee has decided not to name any replacement for Dhawan in Indian Cricket Team.”
Shikhar Dhawan was brought back to the Indian team after a layoff, performing exceedingly well in the ICC Champions Trophy as well as carrying that form into the West Indies series. Dhawan not in the side would surely upset the balance of a team that is breeding players looking ahead at the 2019 cricket World Cup.
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