Hardik Pandya has become one of the prominent players of the current Indian cricket team. The 23-year-old all-rounder from Surat has climbed the steps of success within a very short period of time. He was inducted into the team in January 2016 for the first time against Australia in a 3-match T20I series under the leadership of Mahendra Singh Dhoni. A year and a half later, the same Hardik Pandya bagged the Man of the Series award in the recently concluded ODI series against the side he had debuted. Apart from developing himself as a phenomenal all-rounder, his curiosity keeps on pushing him to learn new things, for example, the on-field camera works.
A day after Team India became the No 1 ODI team in the world, the official broadcaster of the India vs Australia series, Star Sports, shared a video on Twitter where Pandya could be seen learning the camera techniques from a cameraperson who covered the match. The video was captioned as “@hardikpandya7 earns how difficult it is to catch his mighty 6s on camera.”
Here’s the video:
.@hardikpandya7 learns how difficult it is to catch his mighty s on camera! Watch him on #FollowTheBlues on Star Sports. pic.twitter.com/MnyFKLNho3
— Star Sports (@StarSportsIndia) October 2, 2017
Well, if we think from the perspective of a cameraman, it really would have been very difficult to capture a six cleary and that too when Pandya batted and hit consecutive sixes.
In the recently concluded ODI series against Australia, Hardik Pandya was in a splendid form and turned out to be a saviour in many occasions. He scored a total of 222 runs in four innings and took 6 wickets. He has bagged the Man of the Match awards twice in the series.
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