Former Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni is going to take to the writing desk and pen a foreword for a book based on Indian Armed Forces. Recently, Mahendra Singh Dhoni was spotted in Kolkata doing some target practice with a gun. Meanwhile, India is currently taking on Australia in a 5-match One Day International series and the home side has already taken a 3-0 lead in the series. With the Virat Kohli-led Indian team in ominous form, things are shaping well ahead of the 2019 cricket World Cup. Hardik Pandya, Kuldeep Yadav and Yuzvendra Chahal have been the stars in this ongoing series so far. It seems like Mahendra Singh Dhoni, in an attempt to keep himself busy, is going to pick up the pen to write the foreword. The book is titled Shoot. Die. Fly and is authored by Rachna Bisht Rawat.
Earlier, the Territorial Army had given the honorary rank of lieutenant colonel to Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He got this rank in the parachute regiment of the Indian army. The former skipper had undergone two weeks of training in 2015 after which he attempted 5 para jumps.
According to Mid-day, a source from within the publishing house told a diarist that Dhoni was their obvious choice since he was a national icon. At the same time, he is also a part of the Indian army in a limited capacity.
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According to Mid-day, the source further mentioned that Dhoni was readily excited and looked forward to the opportunity as a way to reach out to the youngsters. This would help him in conveying the prominence of joining the armed forces and what it means to serve the nation with that badge.
Team India is eyeing a whitewash as they are currently taking on Australia in the fourth ODI at Chinnaswamy, Bengaluru.
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