Ravindra Jadeja recently got suspended from the upcoming Pallekele Test match as he was found to have breached the code of conduct during the Colombo Test. He accumulated 3 demerit points according to article 2.2.8 of the Players’ Code of Conduct when he fielded the ball off his own bowling and threw it at Sri Lanka’s Malinda Pushpakumara. As he already had been carrying 3 demerit points, which he got for running on the pitch during New Zealand Test last, the count added up to six and hence he went on to face the ban.
After the match, Jadeja was adjudged Man-of-the-Match as he took 7 wickets (including a five-for in the second innings) and scored a fiery quick 70 runs off 85 balls, which included four fours and three sixes, after which he had to face the ban. Though he admitted that he was guilty of throwing the ball at the Lankan batsman, however, a day later he took to his Twitter account and posted a surprising quote which caught all the attention.
The world No 1 ranked Test bowler shared one of the dialogues from the Bollywood film Dilwale starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol. His post read, “Hum sharif kya hue puri duniya hi badmash ho gayi (The entire world has gone notorious when I turned good)”.
— Ravindrasinh jadeja (@imjadeja) August 7, 2017
It was not the first time that he was found getting indulged in controversy. In 2014, during India’s tour to England, he had a heated conversation with English pacer James Anderson after which he was charged with Level 2 offence, while Anderson was handed a Level 3 offence by the International Cricket Council (ICC) for ‘abusing and pushing’ Jadeja.
Team India locked the 3-match series by 2-0 lead on August 6 after winning the second match at Colombo. This was India’s second series win in Sri Lanka under the captaincy of Virat Kohli. The last Test is scheduled to be played in Kandy which will commence from August 12.
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