India cricket captain Virat Kohli, at the age of 28, has professionally matured like none other. Currently, the team India skipper is in Sri Lanka for a 3-Test match series, which will be followed by a 5-match One Day International series and a one-off T201 to round it off. He recently scored a splendid 103 not out and in the process brought up his 17th ton and became the first batsman to have an average of 50+ in all the three international formats.
Virat Kohli, when away from the field, is an advertising goldmine. He endorses and is an ambassador for many national and international brands. The blue-eyed boy of Indian cricket in a video recently uploaded on Twitter speaks of women and their strength. He also talks about the importance of being a gentleman.
Virat Kohli has always shown due respect for women and has encouraged women empowerment. He also stood by his girlfriend Anushka Sharma, when she was being trolled online for supposedly being a reason for Virat’s brief dip in his form. He gave a fitting and sound response to those who ridiculed his partner.
In the 38 seconds video for the Tissot watch brand, Virat says, “This is our time now, that is what they keep telling me. Sometimes I think they are right. I used to feel proud of myself, that I have become a man in this world, who has made it to the pages. But now, I am only ashamed, men of this world have forgotten how to behave with the ladies. And yet, while the world isn’t, time is. So take this time, it’s your time.”
This is your time, be a Gentleman. @TISSOT #Tissot #Time
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) July 31, 2017
It is quite refreshing to see the poster boy of Indian cricket setting a good example, even off the field.
Bonding and banter session _ #FifaMode
— cheteshwar pujara (@cheteshwar1) July 30, 2017
He is truly leading by example for umpteen youngsters and cricket lovers.
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