Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) skipper Virat Kohli took some time off to treat Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma, his wife, on her birthday. The duo went together to watch Avengers: Infinity War along with RCB teammates at Orion Mall, Bengaluru. The fans were seen clicking photos, recording videos and cheering for RCB as the security was holding the perimeter around the couple. Kohli also shared an Instagram post on Anushka’s birthday earlier today.
RCB are going to play Mumbai Indians (MI) on their home ground — M Chinnaswamy Stadium, Bengaluru. In all likelihood, Anushka will be watching the game and cheering the home team from the stands, like she has in a few games this season.
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RCB are in dire need of a win if they are to survive in this tournament. They are currently in the seventh position with just 2 wins from 7 games. However, they can still turn things around from here on by winning at least 6 of their remaining matches this season. If they register a win against MI, they will move to the fifth position, displacing Rajasthan Royals (RR) as they have a higher Net Run Rate (NRR).
The 29-year-old has been in fine form this tournament. He has scored 317 runs from 7 games so far and is in third place on the list of players with most runs scored in the season. He has a chance to get hold of the ‘Orange Cap’ once again if he scores 54 runs or more against MI. He has already scored three half-centuries in the tournament but RCB have lost many games due to poor bowling in death overs.
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