Renowned Bollywood director Kabir Khan along with Reliance Entertainment and Phantom Films announced on November 5 that a film based on India’s incredible 1983 cricket World Cup victory will release on April 5, 2019. The film will be named as ’83’ which will narrate the story about India’s first ever cricket world cup victory.
According to the reports, it has been learned that the Kabir Khan directorial will feature actor Ranveer Singh as star cricketer Kapil Dev. The film will also show how under the leadership of Kapil Dev, the Indian cricket team beaten West Indies which used to be the most dangerous side of that era.
While speaking at a press conference, Kabir Khan said,
“As a young schoolboy when I watched India win the 1983 Cricket World Cup, I had no idea that from that day onwards cricket in India will change forever. As a filmmaker, for me, the journey to that win, filled with raw energy and sheer passion of that young Indian team, is probably one of the most exciting stories I have worked on. And it’s great to have Ranveer come on board to play Kapil Dev, as honestly, I could see no one else for the role, ever since I started finalizing the script.”
The Chief Operating Officer of Reliance Entertainment was also present at the event. He said,
“Winning the ’83 cricket World Cup was a very proud moment for us as Indians and we at Reliance Entertainment aim to bring back those glorious moments for the current and future generations through this film.”
As stated by the associate production houses – Phantom Films and Vibri Media – “it’s a story waiting to be told” and one that the “country needs to know”.
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