It was a legendary moment when two former World Cup-winning Indian captains Kapil Dev and MS Dhoni faced each other at Eden Gardens during a commercial shoot. The former all-rounder was seen bowling to India’s wicketkeeper-batsman on the cricket pitch for the first time. The former captains came together for a commercial shoot arranged by another former Indian captain Sourav Ganguly who is also the Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB) president. The commercial was shot by noted filmmaker Arindam Sil which also happens to be his first stint in the advertisement field.
The director of Byomkesh thrillers had a fanboy moment shooting with Dev and Dhoni. Sil shared his emotions of filming cricketing greats with IANS. He said,
It is a dream come true. I have been a fan of these two great cricketers since long. I loved it so much to watch them play. And now to direct them during a game of cricket, and that too, at the hallowed Eden Gardens, that’s something I will cherish forever.
The 58-year-old all-rounder did not fail to impress with his fast bowling.
He went on and on. And then when he batted, it seemed the Kapil Dev of yore was back.
Here’s the video of Dev surprising Dhoni with a bouncer showing that he has still got pace at this age –
No retakes were required as according to Sil, Dhoni turned out to be a natural.
I never had to ask for a retake from him. He was his natural self before the camera, cool and composed.
Dhoni also shared a few tips with the youngsters as well.
He was always smiling and seemed very pally with the kids. He gave them tips on playing aggressively, on what is the best stance.
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