Indian skipper Virat Kohli and Bollywood starlet Anushka Sharma were spotted in New York. Earlier, India defeated West Indies in the One Day International series 3-1, but were thrashed in the one-off T20I. But that has not stopped Virat Kohli take out his alleged girlfriend Anushka Sharma for a holiday in New York. Mind you, all of this is happening amidst the coach conundrum row. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have till date kept the relationship under the wraps. But Anushka Sharma has been spotted umpteen number of times at cricket grounds rooting for the Indian captain. Anushka Sharma was in New York by the looks of it, shooting for her latest release ‘When Harry met Sejal’, where she will be seen opposite Shahrukh Khan. The movie is slated to hit the theatres on August 4th.
It is just a way for Virat Kohli to unwind after a rigorous season of cricket. In a fortnight’s time, he will be leading India in Sri Lanka. India’s tour of Sri Lanka again promises to test Virat Kohli and his men.
Anushka Sharma, took to her Instagram account to share her pictures from New York. One of her pictures was captioned as, “There is light always at the end of the long road …”. That is quite philosophical one feels.
There is light always at the end of the long road …
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In another picture she uploaded, we discover that she is suffering from jet-lag. She captioned the other picture as, The sun sets someplace and rises for a new day at another … have a great day/night y’all .. #NewYork #Sunset#JetLagged.”
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And then comes the real deal, a picture where we can spot the lovebirds together.
SPOTTED: #ViratKohli and #AnushkaSharma in New York!
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After watching all of this, we can only hope that the wedding bells will ring soon. It is bound to be a match made in heaven. Virat Kohli according to the latest ICC ODI ratings is the number 1 batsman in the world.
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