Indian skipper Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma officially announced their marriage on December 11, by posting their wedding pictures on their official social media accounts. Not just fans, however, people from Bollywood, and the cricket fraternity took to social media immediately to wish the couple a happy married life. News of the private wedding, which was kept a secret from the media, finally reached South Africa’s former skipper and Virat’s teammate from IPL franchise Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB), AB de Villiers, who sent his warm regards to the couple as well.
According to a Times Now report, AB uploaded a video message on the AB de Villiers app, in which he could be seen wishing Virat and Anushka and saying that he hopes for ‘many kids to come’.
De Villiers said,
“Congratulations to Virat and Anushka for getting married. Took me by surprise. But I always knew who had a surprise up your sleeve. So, congrats to my good friend Virat, and Anushka. I know you guys are going to have a very happy life together and hopefully many kids to come.”
ALSO READ: Here’s how Virat Kohli responded to Sachin Tendulkar & others who wished him on his wedding
A day before this message, Kohli took to his official Twitter handle and thanked numerous people who wished him earlier. However, his reply for the Protea sportsperson is yet to be received.
All the speculations and rumours came to an end after Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma made their wedding official on social media. From several media reports, it was learned that the ceremony was held at Borgo Finocchieto, a heritage villa in Tuscany.
Today we have promised each other to be bound in love for ever. We are truly blessed to share the news with you.This beautiful day will be made more special with the love and support of our family of fans & well wishers. Thank you for being such an important part of our journey.
— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) December 11, 2017
ALSO READ: Rohit Sharma gives Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli marriage advice. Here’s how the actress replied!
Earlier, the Indian captain asked for leave from the BCCI, complaining of a hectic schedule. It was said that keeping India’s South Africa tour in mind, the BCCI gave him leave, and he was not included in the squad for the ODIs and T20s against Sri Lanka.
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