People across India are celebrating Raksha Bandhan with fun, frolic and fervour. Raksha Bandhan, popularly known as Rakhi, is a festival that celebrates the bond of love between a brother and a sister. Many celebrities are sharing their messages on Twitter using #RakshaBandhan to share their thoughts on this auspicious day. Among them, former Indian cricket Mohammad Kaif too shared his feelings about the festival.
Mohammad Kaif on his official Twitter handle wrote a hard hitting tweet. Former cricketer wrote: “ Treat every woman the way you would want your sister to be treated. #RakshaBandhan greetings to all.”
Mohammad Kaif’s tweet received massive support.
Treat every woman the way you would want your sister to be treated. #RakshaBandhan greetings to all.
— Mohammad Kaif (@MohammadKaif) August 7, 2017
Within 30 minutes, over 100 people retweeted his tweet and 20 people shared their reactions. They wrote:
1 like to banta h kaif sir
— Deepak kumawat (@ImDeepakkumawat) August 7, 2017
When ever i admire you I could see reflection of #apjabdulkalam simplest to the core, respects all religion. definitely a true muslim
— Akshay Shah (@Akshays1105) August 7, 2017
what a thought kaif bhai !!
— Harsh Vardhan (@hhharsshhh) August 7, 2017
Besides Mohammad Kaif, Indian boxer Vijender Singh, who recently defeated Zulpikar Maimaitiali of China by a unanimous decision in a tough 10-round contest in Mumbai to retain his WBO Asia Pacific Super Middleweight title, also wished his fans on Raksha Bandhan.
आपको व आपके परिवार को रक्षाबंधन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये
— Vijender Singh (@boxervijender) August 7, 2017
Earlier, Olympics bronze medallist wrestler Sakshi Malik shared a picture of herself with her brother. She captioned the image as: “Got time to celebrate #RakshaBandhan with family before world championship.”
Got time to celebrate #RakshaBandhan with family before world championship
— Sakshi Malik (@SakshiMalik) August 5, 2017
The festival highlights the unique bond between siblings. It involves the sister tying Rakhi on the wrist of her brother as a symbol of her love and prayer for his prosperity. In return the brother gives her a gift as a token of his love and as a symbol of his promise to provide protection.
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