He is undoubtedly the biggest name in Jharkhand. Mahendra Singh Dhoni, popularly known as the Ranchi Rambo, is a global cricketing star. The local boy, who holds a fascination for bikes, was lately seen sharing the stage alongside Bollywood stars, business tycoons and politicians at the two-day mega cultural event in Jharkhand. The occasion was ‘Momentum Jharkhand’, the 17-year-old eastern Indian state’s first global investors’ summit being organised at Ranchi.
At the event, Dhoni was looking dapper in a smart blue suit. Accompanying him were the high-profile dignitaries like Ratan Tata, Aun Jaitley and Smriti Irani on the stage.
Speaking about Jharkhand from the dais, he said, “Years of political instability has hurt Jharkhand. Now it’s on the right track. When one talks about my state, they generally refer to its 40 per cent mineral wealth hidden beneath. But, let’s not forget that Jharkhand is ranked number 2 in the production of peas and potatoes.”
“A good leader has a good team. The chief minister here is blessed with a good team of ministers and bureaucrats. We all want to see them work together as a team,” Dhoni added.
Reflecting upon the law and order in the state, he said, “It is a perfect platform at par with any other state. These are the views and feelings not of a celebrity, or a cricketer, but of a boy born and brought up here”.
There are many who have made a name for themselves like archer Dipika Kumari, actor Madhavan and many others but no one is bigger than Mahendra Singh Dhoni in that part of the country. Period!
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