Former Indian skipper MS Dhoni has been making the most of his time off at Ranchi, his hometown. He posted a photo of himself and his pet on Instagram on March 9. The photo of him laughing with his arm around his pet dog sitting in his garden is quite adorable. Dhoni has been known for his humility, and recently he ensured his fan was alright after he ran over fan’s bag in his SUV at the airport.
Three weeks before, Dhoni also posted a video, playing with his dogs and making them reach out for the ball on his terrace. That video, too broke the internet as his fans were ecstatic to see him getting candid with his pet dogs.
After getting sacked from Rising Pune Supergiants’ captaincy a day before IPL Auction 2017, Dhoni has been making them regret their decision as he has taken Jharkhand cricket to new levels in the ongoing Vijay Hazare Trophy 2016-17. Jharkhand is the only team Dhoni has been leading at this point of time and he has done wonders with it.
Dhoni has led Jharkhand team into the quarter-finals of Vijay Hazare Trophy. His sensational run with the team, guiding them to win even after scoring a lowly total of 125 in the first innings, was commendable. He even scored a century when the team was struggling to score runs and had lost wickets early on in the innings.
He has led Jharkhand from being underdogs to one of the favourites for the trophy contender-ship. Dhoni recently made headlines when the crowd chanted ‘hai-hai’ when he could not come out to bat owing to Saurabh Tiwary’s century.
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