Murali Vijay and wife Nikita welcomed their third child into the world on October 3. Vijay took to Twitter and shared his happiness with the world. He posted a photo of his son holding the newborn baby in his arms and the photo was captioned with a message where he called his children ‘rockstars’. The caption read, “Two Rockstars!! One introducing the other to the world. Feeling Blessed,” Vijay has a son and daughter with Nikita. The Test opener married her in 2012.
Vijay has been out of the Indian side since the India vs Sri Lanka Test series which India won by 3-0. The 33-year-old’s injury gave way for opener Shikhar Dhawan in the team who scored a galore of runs in the series. Vijay is currently recovering from the injury. His comeback to the side is tough given the competition for the spot including Ajinkya Rahane, KL Rahul, Abhinav Mukund and Shikhar Dhawan.
Vijay might eye his return with performances in Ranji Trophy 2017-18 for Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu are yet to announce their team lineup for this season. It will be a good platform for Vijay to prove his worth and strengthen his claim for the opening slot in the national team.
Two Rockstars!! One introducing the other to the world . Feeling Blessed. #grateful #lovetoall #moretolife
— Murali Vijay (@mvj888) October 2, 2017
Vijay recently played for India Green under Parthiv Patel who lost to Dinesh Karthik-led India Red in the Duleep Trophy 2017 match. Vijay could not do well with the bat as he only scored 4 and 13 in the match.
The Tamil Nadu opener played the Border-Gavaskar Trophy earlier this year. Though his performance was not outstanding as he hit a fifty-plus score only once in the series.
He played for the Kovai Kings in Tamil Nadu Premier League (TNPL) as well where he scored a fifty and contributed with a few good scores in the top order. With Indian Premier League (IPL) 2018 auction a few months away he might be auctioned at a good price.
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