Cricketer Yuvraj Singh has married actor Hazel Keech. People were curious about the couple on social media as they were trending on Facebook and Twitter. Their fans were looking for the wedding pictures. Here are a few.
These pictures are cute. But the photos of their courtship period are cuter. The photos showed the chemistry between the couple. Yuvraj had a tough time to build the chemistry. Here are some old pictures of the couple that show how close they are to each other.
Yuvraj Singh had met Hazel Keech at a party in 2011 and had begun to like her instantly. Yuvraj said later that it was not love at first sight. But it was not just infatuation either as the star waited for three years just to go on a date with her.
Yuvraj told a newspaper in an interview that Hazel was giving her a cold shoulder when he would ask her about going out with him. She was dating somebody else then. Yuvraj admitted that he had asked her 7-8 times out on a coffee date.
Yuvraj Singh didn’t lose heart. In 2014, he asked her out again. This time Hazel agreed. They bonded well and eventually fell in love with each other.
Yuvraj Singh proposed her in 2015 to which she yes. And the rest is history.
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