Team India coach Ravi Shastri will be earning Rs 8 crore per year in a two year contract that has been handed over to him. The amount is estimated to be Rs 2 crore more than what former coach Anil Kumble was charging. Ravi Shastri was appointed as the Head Coach of the Indian cricket team after Anil Kumble stepped down from the post following the rift with the skipper. With new developments coming to the fore, Ravi Shastri is slated to meet the new panel to sort out the support staff mess. Shastri is scheduled to sit in a meeting with the 4 member panel on Wednesday (July 19) to decide that and their salary. He will take the final call on that issue. Shastri in the past has been the team India director and done a decent job. What works in favour of Ravi Shastri is that he has the support of the captain of the team, Virat Kohli.
This is what the CoA had to say:
“We will further discuss with Shastri the appointment of other coaches. We have set up a committee and they will speak to the CAC, communicate with them after talking to Shastri. The support staff has been decided in consultation with the head coach,” CoA head Vinod Rai said.
1: ‘Sir, Congratulations !!!’
2: ‘Thanks’*1 hour later
3: ‘Sir, news fake thi _’
4: ‘Aisa kon karta hai bhai’#RaviShastri #BCCI— Moody Motu (@MoodyMotu) July 11, 2017
“Three appointments which are core to the coaching team have been decided. But we have to consult each one of them, we have to ascertain their willingness and have to ensure that there is no conflict of interest issue.”
“It’s only a recommendation. It’s not an appointment. A recommendation has been made and the CoA has to act on the recommendation which will be done only after consultation with the head coach,” Rai concluded.
Also note: Rahul Dravid and Zaheer Khan were names suggested by the CAC comprising of Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman, but the final call will be taken by Ravi Shastri.
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