Indian left-arm spinner Ravindra Jadeja’s restaurant in Rajkot was raided by the food department of the city’s municipal corporation on September 6. A large amount of inedible, stale and rotten food items were discovered during the raid. The restaurant goes by the name ‘Jaddu’s Food Field’ and is taken care by his sister Naina.
According to a report published in the Ahmedabad Mirror, Jadeja’s restaurant was one of the three restaurants raided by the Rajkot Municipal Corporation officials. During the raid, a large amount of boiled food which was preserved for a long period, bread infected with fungus, stale vegetables, items without mention of the expiry date and food colour were the items which were destroyed.
In addition, the eateries have subsequently been served a notice of four days to get their act together, the reports said.
“Yes, we had some quantity of boiled and cooked food. Only a few pieces of bread had gone stale. We used to preserve cooked food, but now we will ensure it is destroyed the same night,” the report quoted Jadeja’s sister Naina as saying.
“Also, we did not have a crusher. We could not find it in the market but will make arrangements now. The food colours were meant to be used only for vegetable carvings and not in food,” she added.
Apart from Ravindra Jadeja, many big names in the Indian cricket fraternity have their own restaurants. Master blaster Sachin Tendulkar runs a restaurant in South Mumbai which is known as ‘Tendulkar’s’. In Pune, there is ‘Zaheer Khan’s Dine Fine’, while Praveen Kumar has one in Meerut, with the name ‘Praveen’s Restaurant’.
Ravindra Jadeja is currently out of the Indian team which is playing a bilateral series against the visiting Australian Cricket Team. Though he was picked in the squad for the first three ODIs in place of Axar Patel, he didn’t get a chance in the playing XI. He couldn’t find a space in the T20I squad as well.
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