India’s legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar feels the current generation is smarter than the previous generation on World’s Children day at Thyagraj Stadium, New Delhi. Tendulkar feels that technology has played the main role in making sportspersons smarter. The Master Blaster played with the children and also gave them a few tips when they seemed to falter. His team Delhi Lions won by a margin of 1 run. However, Tendulkar won the crowd’s hearts when he walked up to women cricketers on multiple occasions and gave them a few tips. The former Indian cricketer did not hog the limelight and gave others a chance to bat and showcase their talents.
At the press conference hosted by UNICEF India, Tendulkar said,
Today’s generation is confident, I interact with so many children of this generation and have to accept they are smarter than the earlier generation,. And this is with the help of technology, you know within minutes you can find out what is happening in any part of the world.
The 43-year-old further explained,
You see actually a three-year-old kid sitting in front of the computer comfortably, he knows exactly what to do, a mobile phone he wants to call someone or message someone, all these fancy gadgets are there today which give them new perspective.
Here’s the video of the match –
Tendulkar also talked about giving children ‘freedom’ to express themselves.
The 20th November is one such day where you (children) get your freedom to express yourself, but with freedom their also comes responsibility. And according to me children’s day should be all 365 days.
Tendulkar also captained Delhi Lions and tried to involve everyone in the game including rookie cricketers. He also met the differently-abled kids and clicked a few photos with them.
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