Indian players Virat Kohli, Shikhar Dhawan and Robin Uthappa decide to raise their voice against parents abusing their children physically in the name of education. Both of them shared a video on Twitter which has been making rounds on social media websites and messaging service Whatsapp. In the video, a child struggles to identify the numbers currently and is been pressurised and beaten by the mother of the child (probably). Uthappa, Dhawan urge parents to deal with their children patiently as every child is different and goes on his-her own pace.
Dhawan wrote, “I request parents to be patient with ur kids at all times. Every child learns at his own pace. Pls refrain from beating/degrading them.” alongside the video. Uthappa tweeted, “This is heart wrenching. Children shouldn’t be raised this way. This needs to stop. I pray we can raise our kids with love instead of fear.”
Indian skipper Virat Kohli too shared the video on Instagram, he wrote, “The fact that the pain and anger of the child is ignored and ones own ego to make the child learn is so massive that compassion has totally gone out of the window. This is shocking and saddening to another dimension. A child can never learn if intimidated. This is hurtful.”
In the video, the child complains of having a headache, not being able to identify numbers but still gets pressurised. The girl begs the women to not beat her as she will try to identify numbers from 1 to 5. Towards the end of the video, one can see clearly that the child is getting frustrated after being asked to narrate the numbers over and over, failing constantly to do so.
I request parents to be patient with ur kids at all times. Every child learns at his own pace. Pls refrain from beating/degrading them.
— Shikhar Dhawan (@SDhawan25) August 19, 2017
This is heart wrenching. Children shouldn’t be raised this way. This needs to stop. I pray we can raise our kids with love instead of fear.
— Robin Aiyuda Uthappa (@robbieuthappa) August 19, 2017
Dhawan too has three children— son Zoravar and daughters Aliyah and Rhea. Uthappa, on the other hand, has no kids yet. He got married to his girlfriend Sheethal Goutham who is also a former Tennis player.
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Dhawan is currently in Dambulla preparing for the first ODI against Sri Lanka of the five-match ODI series starting August 20.
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