India’s former skipper Sourav Ganguly who is known for his fiery attitude got into a brawl with a passenger on his way to Balurghat in West Bengal to unveil his 80 feet statue at the stadium. Ganguly’s train ride after 16 years turned into an ugly affair as his AC first class seat was occupied by another passenger. As per Zee News reports, the incident took place in the Padatik Express in which he was supposed to travel. Ganguly was escorted by security as he went to the event which was postponed earlier because of ICC Champions Trophy 207 commitments on Dada.
According to reports, Ganguly asked the passenger to vacate the seat but the latter did not agree, instead started to argue with him. As the issue grew bigger, the passenger tried to start a brawl with Ganguly due to which RPF personnel were rushed into the train. Later on, Ganguly had to deboard the train, because of the intensity of the issue the news of Ganguly at the train station spread quickly and a huge amount of crowd gathered on the platform.
On seeing this the personnel had no choice but to shift Ganguly to an AC 2-tier berth as the crowd numbers would have escalated quickly.
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However, the incident did not take a toll on Ganguly who travelled to Balurghat and unveiled his statue at the Bikash Maidan. Ganguly was greeted with huge numbers who gathered to see the local boy, the one who was responsible for India’s rise in rankings and stature after his captaincy.
Dada took to Twitter to share his happiness as he tweeted a photo of a large number of crowd, “At dakhin Dinajpur… just human heads”. This tweet was followed by another photo in which he is standing beside his 80-feet bronze statue.
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