A shocking incident startled the cricket world recently. A domestic Pakistan cricketer allegedly tried to commit suicide on the field during the match. Apparently, the junior cricketer who attempted suicide is named Ghulam Haider Abbas. While a match was being played, Ghulam Haider walked into the field at Lahore City Cricket Association (LCCA) ground carrying a container filled with petrol. But before he could immolate himself, spectators spotted him and informed the match officials of his presence. The match officials then had to go and pacify the budding cricketer.
Shortage of money is a major factor plaguing Pakistan cricket, as the teams do not earn a solid revenue and hence their players are made to pay to earn their spot, which is unfair. Due to this reason, many cricketers opt out after a certain stage as they cannot afford to continue playing the sport. The cricketer in question blamed match officials for asking bribes in lieu of a spot.
“I have been performing well at the club and zonal level but they keep on ignoring me because I am from a poor background,” the pacer was quoted as saying by PTI.
“At the end, they finally told me that if I want to play for the Lahore team, I should pay them money. Today I came here totally fed up and wanted to end my life,” he added.
“If I die, the east zone officials and the LCCA head should be held responsible for it because they are not selecting players on merit,” Abbas added.
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— Akshar patel (@akshar2026) October 2, 2017
Cricket in Pakistan took a hit after Sri Lankan team was attacked by terrorists in 2009 with no international matches hosted in the country. With the recently concluded World XI vs Pakistan T20I series, Pakistan looks again to invite more teams to play matches and give the sport a second life.
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