In Tests, India has been blessed with good, solid batsman as openers, from Sunil Gavaskar to Virender Sehwag, they have dominated world cricket. The little master from Mumbai, Sunil Gavaskar played cricket during the 70’s and 8-‘s and earned a reputable name for himself. The butcher from Najafgarh, who played during the 2000-10, was the total opposite of Sunil Gavaskar. He dominated world class bowlers like they were school kids. A stark contrast!
Recently in an interview, Sunil Gavaskar said, “What Kohli and his boys have done is amazing. Such a run of Test wins is amazing. They are fulfilling my dreams”.
Adding further about Sehwag, he said, “I always wanted to hit a straight six on the first ball of a Test match. I could do that only once, but Sehwag did that with regularity. He was a class batsman with guts in his batting”.
Speaking of the shortest format T20, Gavaskar said, “In fact T20 has done some fantastic things for the sport and in many ways and raised the profile of the game.
“T20 offers action all the way through the match, but Test cricket still I believe is the ultimate form to judge a player. T20 has energised One-Day cricket and One-Day cricket in turn has energised Test cricket,” he said.
“The whole game of cricket has changed for better with whole new dimension added to cricket. Now more runs are being scored and there is action all the time,” said Gavaskar.
This is pretty insightful considering it is coming from a living legend, Sunil Gavaskar.
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