Suresh Raina met Gautam Gambhir’s youngest daughter for the first time. Raina visited Gambhir’s residence as he is in the capital for a Ranji Trophy 2017-18 match between Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. The Uttar Pradesh captain went with his family including his wife Priyanka Raina and daughter Gracia Raina. The southpaw took to Twitter and shared a photo of his family with Gautam Gambhir’s two daughters Aazeen, Anaiza and wife Natasha Gambhir. The caption of the post read, “Many congratulations @gautamgambhir55! We truly enjoyed meeting our little angel! Wish you blissful times ahead!” said Raina in his caption.”
Here’s what Raina tweeted on November 2 –
Many congratulations @GautamGambhir & @natashagambhir2! We truly enjoyed meeting our little angel! Wish you blissful times ahead!
— Suresh Raina (@ImRaina) November 2, 2017
In the Delhi vs Uttar Pradesh game, the visitors got bundled out for 291 in the first innings. Raina could only score 10 runs as he was bowled by Milind Kumar. Gambhir opened the innings of Delhi and gave them a solid start. He scored 86 runs from 112 deliveries including 13 fours. Delhi were 6 for 228 at Day 2, Stumps.
Both Raina and Gambhir are struggling to make a comeback in the Indian squad. They are under immense pressure to perform in the domestic circuit in order to claim a spot in Virat Kohli’s side. Raina has allegedly failed the ‘Yo-Yo’ fitness test while Gambhir’s name has not been on the list.
Gambhir and Raina did reasonably well in the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2017. They were among the top five run scorers in the season. Gambhir was on the second spot with 498 runs whereas Raina was on the fifth spot with 442 runs. But still were not picked for Champions Trophy 2017 squad.
Raina played his last international match against England on February 1, 2017 in A T20I match. On the other hand, Gambhir made a comeback in the Test squad against New Zealand. Though he got injured during the Test series against England and since then has never made it back into the squad.
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