The top boss of Pakistani Cricket Shaharyar Khan has already ordered a probe into the incident in which an unknown person barged into the dressing room during the Pakistan Super League final at Lahore. So, who was the man and how did the incident come to light? Well, he apparently was a Peshwa Zalmi fan and this incident came to light when English batter David Malan saw him and raised the matter with the higher authorities in the PCB.
PCB chairman Shaharyar Khan has confirmed the media in Lahore today that an inquiry has been ordered into the incident.
“It is a matter of concern for us and it came to our knowledge few days back about this person getting into the dressing rooms. We have ordered an inquiry to find out how this happened and where the security lapse occurred,” Khan said.
Apparently, the man kept looking for selfies and pictures with cricketers, that is exactly what Malan has claimed.
It was the first match of any kind that was played after eight long years.
According to the English batter David Malan, the person managed to get into the dressing room before the final and went about asking for selfies and autographs.
The English cricketer claimed he had brought the presence of the unauthorised person to the notice of the security people deputed with the teams.
Around 12,000 policemen, paramilitary rangers and military personnel had been deployed for the final at the iconic Gadaffi stadium.
We are sure this is a lesson learnt by the PCB.
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