Virat Kohli was recently spotted breaking the security protocol at the Trivandrum Airport just to click selfies with some of his ‘special’ fans. If you are thinking that once again he might have shown his arrogance off the field then you are completely wrong. This time he did it to spread smiles on some of the faces who were waiting eagerly to get a sight of the Indian captain while leaving the airport.
Virat Kohli was leaving the airport and on his way to board the team bus when he came across a few children sitting in wheelchairs and were cheering for him. Since it’s instructed that the players shouldn’t interact with the fans for a long in crowded places. However, Kohli went to those kids, had a word with them, gave them autographs and clicked selfies with them.
This entire episode was captured on camera while the video was shared on Twitter. Here’s the video:
@imVkohli King on and off the field
— Naveen Samy (@ImNsamy) November 8, 2017
Some of his little fans also brought drawings and paintings that they made for their icon. After watching all these, he couldn’t stop himself from signing those cards. Later, the security personnel surrounded Kohli while he was busy clicking selfies with those children. Well, the Indian captain surely made those children’s day who have been seeing their hero on TV.
The India team, under his captaincy, defeated New Zeland by 6 runs in Trivandrum to win the first ever bilateral T20I series by 2-1/
Now the mn in blue are gearing up for their last bilateral series on their home soil against Sri Lanka which is going to start from November 16 in Kolkata.
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