India has been raking in glory from across the world owing to the high-achieving youngsters. Recently, Haryana’s Manushi Chhillar bagged the Miss World title and brought the crown to India after a gap of 17 years. On the other hand, Virat Kohli is taking the Team India to new heights with every other game of cricket. A lot of people across the country who follow the young stars went gaga when they shared the same stage during an award ceremony.
Meanwhile, the newly elected Miss World termed Virat as “one of the best batsmen in the world” and asked how would he like to give back to the game, especially for young aspiring cricketers.
Here’s how Virat replied to the question:
#IndianOfTheYear – Miss World 2017 @ManushiChhillar had a question for team India skipper @imVkohli
Watch the event here – and Jio TV | #IndianOfTheYear @reliancejio @JioChat— News18 (@CNNnews18) November 30, 2017
The advice that Kohli gave in his answer was,
You be what you are or people will think you are pretending.
ALSO READ: Virat Kohli set to beat Hashim Amla, David Warner, Alastair Cook in the race to 5,000 Test runs
Virat Kohli won the ‘Popular Choice Award’ and received the same from the Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. He thanked him and said that he was fortunate to receive the award from Jaitley.
I’m fortunate to be getting the #IndianOfTheYear 2017 @reliancejio Popular Choice Award from Finance Minister @arunjaitley: @imvkohli | Watch live on and Jio TV | #IndianOfTheYear
— News18 (@CNNnews18) November 30, 2017
Kohli went on to say that he remembers that where he came from and is always connected to his roots. He said,
I am a typical Delhi boy at heart. Wherever I might be in life, I always remember where I come from and what I have gone through to be where I am. That never goes away from me.
He added,
No expectations, no milestones… there is a simple mindset. I just go there and do my duty. I don’t believe in tags and comparisons. For me the joy of life is just watching that ball and hitting it from the middle of the bat.
Apart from Kohli, former Indian captain Kapil Dev and Indian head coach Ravi Shastri was awarded for ‘Special Achievement’. Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar was also awarded in the same category.
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