Former Indian cricketer Virender Sehwag, known for his witty comments and one liners on Twitter, recently expressed his opinion on the Chandigarh stalking incident in which a 29-year-old, daughter of an IAS officer, was allegedly stalked by Haryana BJP chief Subhash Barala’s son Vikas Barala and his friend last weekend. Sehwag called the incident ‘a shameful act’.
Virender Sehwag took to his official Twitter handle to share his opinion. Sehwag wrote: “Chandigarh stalking incident is shameful & a fair probe should be done without any influence. Koi bhi ho, Kaayde me rahoge, Faayde me rahoge.”
The girl in her complaint to police said that Vikas and his friend followed her around for nearly 30 minutes. According to Indian Express report the victim was alone and was driving from Sector 8 in Chandigarh to her home in Sector 6, Panchkula. Vikas and his friend swerved their car repeatedly to block hers and even tried to open her door.
Chandigarh stalking incident is shameful & a fair probe should be done without any influence. Koi bhi ho,
Kaayde me rahoge,Faayde me rahoge— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) August 7, 2017
Describing the incident, the girl wrote on Facebook, “Was almost kidnapped on a Chandigarh road last night”. “There were 2 guys inside the SUV, and they seemed to really be enjoying harassing a lone girl in the middle of the night.”
Earlier, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar too talked about the Chandigarh stalking case while promoting his upcoming film Toilet: Ek Prem Katha. Without mentioning any names, he read out excerpts from a blog and revealed how a girl was harassed by some VIP’s people’s children.
“Ladies please be proactive about your own safety. Note the number of any vehicle that tries to harass you, don’t be afraid to call the cops. The minute it starts call your parents, friends, if possible and let them know where you are and the situation you are in. Try and run in the safest way possible, your life is paramount. You girls have to empower yourselves.” an excerpt from the article read out by Akshay Kumar.
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