Virender Sehwag is at it again, this time his birthday wish for Indian opener Shikhar Dhawan is creating a buzz. Yes, Sehwag with the bat or without it is unstoppable. Indian opener Shikhar Dhawan turns 32 and amidst the world wishing him on the day, Sehwag had his own way of wishing the southpaw on his birthday. Sehwag took to Facebook and uploaded a picture of a Shikhar Dhawan lookalike and the post read, ‘Happy Birthday Shika The One , as angrez commentators call . May you be “The One” who rescues Team India whenever needed and lay foundation for many victories Shikhar.”
This is not the first time Sehwag has tried to be cheeky, he has done it in the past and his posts are loved by his die-hard fans. Sehwag is also an integral part of the broadcasting team and can also be heard doing some ‘Virupanti’.
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Here is how Team India celebrated Shikhar Dhawan’s birthday at the end of Day 4 of the 3rd Test against Sri Lanka at Delhi.
We are not letting the birthday boy @SDhawan25 escape today. _
— BCCI (@BCCI) December 5, 2017
Shikhar Dhawan has been in good form and will hope to continue his good form when they play in South Africa.
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After the Sri Lanka series, Team India will leave for South Africa on December 27 for 3 Test matches, 6 ODIs and 3 T20Is, starting January 5. This will be the big test for India!
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