Former Indian bowler S Sreesanth’s debut Malayalam film ‘Team 5‘ has hit the theatres today. Sreesanth’s movie is an action drama which is all about five professional bike racers and their lives. The former Indian cricketer plays the character of the gang leader. The trailer was released last year which garnered a huge number of views on Youtube. Earlier, Sree also shared the news on Twitter by sharing an image of the film. He had also spoken to the media about his film where he said the plot of the film was close to Telugu nativity and hoped the movie would perform in a decent manner in the Telugu market.
The film is directed by Suresh Govind who also has written the screenplay of this movie. The film’s music has been given by Gopi Sunder and has been produced by Raj Zacharias under the banner of Celebs and Red Carpet.
Plot of the Film
The film revolves around the bike racing sport and Sreesanth plays the character who is a master in this field. Actress Nikki Galrani has been cast opposite to Sreesanth who plays the character of Irene, an event manager. Malayalam actor Akhil essays the role of the backbone of a gang named Team 5. The team participates in bike racings and has an enmity with another gang named Road Rollers headed by Alby, played by Sumesh Krishnan.
And now when the film has hit the theatres, fans and followers of Sreesanth have wished him luck on Twitter. Former cricketer Virender Sehwag also took to his Twitter account and wished his former teammate on his movie’s release.
Wishing @sreesanth36 all the very best for Team 5. It’s releasing in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu . Feel aane waali hai Sree ki film mein.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) July 21, 2017
all the best @sreesanth36 4 ur new movie team 5.. We would like to see u in stadium with ur aggressive bowling..all d best sree..
— കറിവേപ്പില 4.0 (@nishthvanth) July 21, 2017
Sree best wishes for your new career.. Hoping for the best from u here to.. @sreesanth36 .
— Vivek Yadav (@cricket_premi) July 21, 2017
Best wish @sreesanth36 sir and @nikkigalrani Mam wishing All the best Gud luck
— GB Bhargava (@bhargava029029) July 21, 2017
This is going to super hit. Lots of love and support from us @sreesanth36 .
We all hope this is going to be bluck buster.— Sharada Prasad Das (@spd_das) July 21, 2017
In 2013, S Sreesanth, along with Ankit Chvahan and Ajit Chandila, was reportedly involved in match fixing during the 5th edition of the Indian Premier League. Later, the charges were waived off and he tried to make a comeback to cricket. However, the BCCI refused to hand issue a No Objection Certificate.
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